Log in to QUICK.
Select “Create Window” à “Current trades” from the menu.
Select FORTS à “Futures”.
Let’s choose, for example, the July Brent oil futures BRN2.
Let’s choose the available parameters, for example,
Closing price;
Tool Code;
Number of days to maturity;
GP seller;
GP buyer;
Clearing status;
Lot Size,
Type of futures,
% of the change from the opening, click Add, click Yes.
We will get a window with the selected parameters (see Fig. 133).
Figure 133. Brent oil futures parameters.
Double-click on the line with the desired tool and a glass of this tool will appear. Inside the glass, press the right button and select “Plot graph” from the drop–down menu. Inside the chart window, click the right button and select “Interval” from the drop-down menu, select, for example, “Daily”. Each candle is 1 day.
Also display in the program menu “Create window” à “Transactions”, “Create window” à “Applications” to display your transactions. “Create a window” à “Account status for displaying data about your money”.
In Fig.133 we see that the cost of 1 futures is $119.71, the cost of the GP buyer is 24 743.7 rubles, the number of lots is 10. I.e. You are operating on $1197.1, having 24 743.7 rubles in your account, i.e. 3x leverage. The type of futures is calculated, i.e. if you have reached the expiration date, you will not have to buy or sell barrels of oil. You will either be paid the difference in price for the required number of lots, or it will be taken from the account. After closing the futures transaction, the GP is returned to your account. At the time of the transaction, the GP is held by the broker, and you cannot use these funds until you close the futures transaction.